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Integration with OpenStack Kolla

The Kolla/kolla-ansible project provides container images that may be used to deploy individual OpenStack services in isolation. To use StorPool-backed Cinder volumes in such a deployment, some changes need to be made to the cinder-volume and nova-compute Kolla containers.

Rebuilding the Kolla containers

The StorPool OpenStack integration repository includes the kolla-rebuild command-line tool that uses the docker-build utility to install and configure the StorPool support tools and drivers in the Kolla containers. The kolla-rebuild tool will usually start from the containers provided by the upstream Kolla project, install the OpenStack integration repository files inside, then run the sp-openstack command-line tool to install any necessary drivers and prepare any system accounts, directories, and access permissions.

Note: the kolla-rebuild tool currently only handles the ubuntu-jammy/ubuntu Kolla containers, and only fetches the source containers from the Kolla project's repositories.

Invoking kolla-rebuild

The kolla-rebuild tool accepts the following command-line options:

  • --component / -c: specify the name of a component to rebuild. This option may be given more than once to specify more than one component. The only valid values are "cinder-volume" and "nova-compute"; the default is to rebuild all of these containers.
  • --no-cache: flush the Docker build cache before rebuilding
  • --pull: update the upstream container image before rebuilding
  • --quiet / -q: quiet operation; no diagnostic output
  • --release / -r: specify the OpenStack release to fetch and rebuild the Kolla containers for. The default value is "master".
  • --sp-osi / -s: the storpool-openstack-integration version to use instead of the last released one. The special value "wip" will cause kolla-rebuild to create a new tarball containing the last-committed files (the contents of the HEAD Git ref) in the currently-checked-out copy of the StorPool OpenStack integration repository. This may be useful for testing new driver versions or new OpenStack version definitions in the defs/components.json file; note that the changes need to be committed to the local Git repository.
  • --tag-suffix / -T: the suffix to add to the built image tag. The default is to use a dot, the current date in the YYYYMMDD format, and an additional ".0" suffix, e.g. .20230403.0 for April 3rd, 2023. This will result in kolla-rebuild tagging the build image as e.g. storpool/cinder-volume:zed-ubuntu-jammy.20230403.0. An empty string may be specified to not add anything to the tag of the source container image.
  • --topdir / -d: the path to the storpool-openstack-integration directory where the kolla-rebuild tool can find its data files. This needs to be specified when kolla-rebuild has been installed into a virtual environment.

Running kolla-rebuild in a virtual environment

To use the kolla-rebuild tool, several Python libraries must be installed in a location that the Python interpreter will look for. One of the ways to do that is to use the Python venv module to create a virtual environment in a new directory:

python3 -m venv venv-kolla-rebuild
venv-kolla-rebuild/bin/python3 -m pip install -U pip setuptools
venv-kolla-rebuild/bin/python3 -m pip install /path/to/storpool-openstack-integration

After the virtual environment has been prepared, run the kolla-rebuild tool from its executable programs directory, once again specifying the path to the storpool-openstack-integration directory:

venv-kolla-rebuild/bin/python3 -m kolla_rebuild -d /path/to/storpool-openstack-integration --help
venv-kolla-rebuild/bin/python3 -m kolla_rebuild -d /path/to/storpool-openstack-integration -r 'zed' --pull
venv-kolla-rebuild/bin/python3 -m kolla_rebuild -d /path/to/storpool-openstack-integration -r 'yoga' --tag-suffix '.sp' -c 'cinder-volume'

Running kolla-rebuild using Tox

The kolla-rebuild Tox environment is defined in the tox.ini file to make use of the tox tool to create the virtual environment and manage its dependencies. If the KOLLA_REBUILD_ARGS variable is defined in the environment, its contents will be passed to kolla-rebuild as command-line arguments; otherwise, default values will be used: "zed" for the OpenStack release name, and "ubuntu:focal"

env KOLLA_REBUILD_ARGS='-r zed -c nova-compute --pull' tox -e 'kolla-rebuild'